Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Come on quick typing...

So after looking at Claire and Megan's well laid out blogs, I feel far far inferior. Note to self: Stop having friends who know how to work the interwebz.

I am sitting in my computer lab after a long day. I'm exhausted, and desperately wishing for sunshine and warmth. The thing about these gorgeous old Italian buildings is that, funny thing, no heating in the 19th century when they were built. Weird how that works. Then I stop for a moment and remember what it felt like when I left Minneapolis, and I warm up a little bit.

Last night we had this indescribable dinner at a little ristorante by san marco. My mouth is watering right now just thinking about it. Crostinis after crostinis, with beans, bruschetta, antipasto...Pastas galore, penne, ravioli, gnocchi...Flan, house wine. God I want that in my mouth. Now. But on the walk home, despite our desire to go out and have a few drinks (or maybe more), we were too full (yeah food baby, yeah) with deliciousness and wine to even consider going out. So we went home, Jen and I talked for awhile, and tried to pass out.

Today was a standard day of classes, a little walking around il Duomo, a little espresso at Coronas Cafe (oh, and gelato - bacio and lampone, which is chocolate with hazelnuts, and raspberry), some window shopping, and back to class.

I am going to sign up for the public library, so I can go and read, and study in the renovated convent, in the open air, with una bella vista of il Duomo, and the countryside. Purchase a panino in the cafe and enjoy it.

This is why they call it 'la dolce vita'

the sweet life indeed.

(also - Rome this weekend. Just because.)

1 comment:

  1. your blog is nice too, baby.

    i think i'm trying to eat vicariously through you.
