Thursday, January 22, 2009

And better times are coming still

I think this is sort of funny move for me. To make a blog, when I was so faithful to Livejournal for so many years (including this one), but alas, I suppose I have to change with the times. Note: I will be that 70 year old woman bitching about the new gadgets all the god damn kids are using. (Assuming that of course, my coarse language never improves.)

It also seems to me that I'm going to be relaying a lot of information that no one else cares about, besides me, so you'll have to bear with me and skip over those paragraphs. I don't know how to do this non-LJ style.

Today has barely begun. Jen and I are going to get food after this, and eventually I'm going to have to figure out how to tell TCF that I'm in Italy.

I can see now that I'm going to be writing a lot of very brief posts among the lengthy, wordy ones that I'm so fond of. Mmm worddss. But maybe that will be easier for you (my 4 friends) to read the blog without wanting to cross the ocean and stab my eyes out. So, prego.

Things that I really miss right now:
-Being thundercloud-y with Claire and Meg
-Cream cheese/salsa and chips.
-a big bed
-calling people. any people. all the people. all the time. anytime.

Thankfully being in Italy makes you rearrange the things you miss. Yeah, I'm probably going to miss my disgusting cream cheese and salsa mixture until I get back, but instead I have bruschetta and amazing lasagna, I have fresh sandwiches, and new cooking skillz.
(Hey Megs, guess who is slowly but surely turning into a domestic goddess??)

I miss my loves, all of them, but I am here for only 3 months. Those three months I am going to experience every emotion possible, ranging from the most depressed and lonely (ie: last night at 1am when I couldn't sleep, and started to cry) to the most elated (ie: Saturday night. Into Saturday morning). And I will have all my loves again. We'll have each other. That's forever, and this is temporary. And it's occuring to me with more intensity the importance of altering my perspective to squeeze all positivity out of every moment, every situation, every opportunity.

With that in mind, I'm excited for:
-Our trip to Rome this weekend
-the ensuing train ride
-clubbing it up this weekend
-sleeping in a hostel
-finding new delicious food to devour
-drinking espresso anywhere in Rome
-free dinner with our landlord tonight.

You may have noticed a food theme here. This will not change. It may get stronger and more apparent though. I base a lot of things in my life around food, and music. Thus making Italy an appropriate place for me. But my moods, my decisions, my bank account. All depend on food.

On that note, Ima make bia Fifi go get i panini, le lasagne, o le paste with me.


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